DSE英文寫作Writing 5**準則【奪分語法及技巧建議DSE英文寫作Writing 5**準則【奪分語法及技巧建議】

收到不少DSE英文自信有level4/5的考生詢問:如果writing要衝level 5**,有什麼具體技巧要留意?其實尤其對已經有level 5實力的同學,只要在writing具體技巧上有針對性的改善,短期內Writing衝頂奪5**是絕對有可能的。


為什麼我這樣說? 其實有level 5實力的考生,在香港DSE大概是top 9%的考生。對這班同學來說,寫出Error-free 的Simple Sentences或 稍有質量的Complex Sentences已不算是難事,其語法底子已經不差。問題是: DSE 5**只會給予各方面明顯「出類拔萃」的文章,而不只是Error-free或句子Complex一點就能成功衝頂的。


我嘗試從DSE Paper2/3中4個角度的評分準則:

I. Language
II. Lexical resources
III. Coherence and Organization
IV. Content and Appropriacy



A. Language (Grammatical Range) (Level 5分與Level 5**之比較)

Language (Grammatical Range) for DSE level 5
1. A range of accurate sentence structures, with complex elements.
2. Grammatical errors are accepted in more complex structures but overall clarity is not affected.
Language (Grammatical Range) for DSE level 5**
1. Use unlimited range of complex structures, with which majority are accurate.
2. Make only very few inappropriacy.


level 5只要求sentence structures 是accurate (error-free); level 5**會特別著重你在用Complex structures時是否accurate (Error-free)【因為Complex Structure在運用時犯錯的機會一般較多】,而且Complex Structures必須多樣化(unlimited range)。即是說,level 5**的Complex Sentences比Level 5的「較準確、較多樣」。


level 5文章句子接受少量Errors; level 5**文章已經昇華到睇你的Usage appropriacy (習慣法的適切性)了。衝頂文要求Grammar要extremely accurate的。


「level 5** Writing常見的」具體Grammatical Techniques,如下:


of which/whom + prep which/whom的表達
例: Physical Education is a subject with less homework and the lesson time of which is a precious moment to develop comradeship among classmates.


– Formal Subject/ Formal Object 技術來做idea的強調
例: The Dutch have already demonstrate it feasible living below sea level


– Collocation (v.i.+prep的組合/adj.+prep的組合)中的 ’prep.’ 配搭得宜
例:(將’competent for’這Collocation拆開的技巧) This is the position for which you are competent.


Inversion 作Adj./Adv. 組合的強調技巧
例: On no account shall I tell you the secret!


– 以Present Subjunctive來虛擬將來的技巧
例: Suppose it be fine tomorrow, the conference….


– 以Parallelism 來表達出「排比出」 Grammatical Structure
例: ….knew the feelings of being criticized without sympathy, being isolated with pride and prejudice, and being alone with nobody’s understanding.


這些「高階寫作技巧」: 在DSE 5**的文章中都是常見的。
【按此:7+3視覺英語AE版能針對性教授這些以上「level 5** Writing常見的」具體Grammatical Techniques。


B. Lexical (Vocabulary) resources (Level 5分與Level 5**之比較)

Lexical (Vocabulary) Resources for DSE level 5
i. Vocabulary is moderately wide and used properly.
ii. Use of lexical terms is mostly appropriate to the genre and tone.


Lexical (Vocabulary) Resources for DSE level 5**
i. Use a wide range of vocabulary to express subtleties of meaning (precise meaning) .
ii. Skilfully use uncommon lexical terms and collocations.


level 5只要求vocabulary要moderately wide ;而 level 5**會留意你用 vocabulary時的subtleties地方(「精準」與否)。舉例: prominent和indispensable在level 5文章容許交換使用來表達「Important」這意義;但level 5**文章,要求你「精準地」用prominent在知名卓越的語境中,而用indispensable在不可或缺的語境中。


level 5只要求lexical terms用得appropriate; level 5**的文章需要有Uncommon Lexical Terms and Collocation (相關語)【v.i+prep/adj+prep】。例如: 用 awake to取代sense; 用disguised with取代dislike;用tantamount to取代equal。高度推薦上面AE版課程中的200個常用寫作Collocations,非常實用。(提示:prep的恰當運用、擺位e.g. prep+whom/prep+which等技巧,是一個常見的高階指標)。


你可能會問,怎樣裝備好自己的uncommon lexical terms?推介【按此: 1500個CNN/BBC新聞及學術高階單字這些lexical terms在生活上少用,但在外媒文章常用的,這些都能視為uncommon lexical terms。

C. Coherence & Organization (Level 5分與Level 5**之比較)

Coherence & Organization for DSE level 5
i. Most cohesive markers are clear, sound & throughout the text.
ii. Overall structure is coherent.
Coherence & Cohesion for IELTS Score 8 or more
I. All Cohesive markers throughout the text are sophisticated with appropriately paragraphing;
Ii. Logically develop information and ideas.


level 5要求恰當用Cohesive Markers;而 level 5**會留意你的 Cohesive Markers是否配合你的paragraphing,即是我常說Paragraph中Topic Sentence的設定。


level 5要求文章structure 要順暢便行; level 5**卻要求你懂‘logically develop’ (鋪墊出)ideas。


【按此:DSE英文Paper 2/3寫作方式公式與10大語境中,會詳細教授如何用Cohesive Markers。
【按此:DSE英文寫作框架、闡述7技、5大鋪墊會詳細教授如何制定Topic Sentence,5大鋪墊、闡述7技 (developing ideas時paragraphing的 技巧)。


這兩個7+3 DSE Writing課程是「金銀配」,一個重「技巧」、一個重「框架」。(其上有10篇範文示範)


D. Content & Appropriacy (Level 5分與Level 5**之比較)

Content & Appropriacy for DSE level 5
Fulfill all the requirement of the questions with general awareness of audience.
Content & Appropriacy for DSE level 5**
Satisfy all the requirement of the question with fine-tuned awareness of audience.


level 5及level 5**對audience awareness從general提升到fine-tuned。【按此: Paper 2/3寫作語調、情節模板】透過寫作Scenario(情節)來了解readers’ awareness,學習一些重要模板句,都有助fine-tune這方面的能力。


Paper 2 Part B要求約400 words的文章。一般Level5**的作品都會有500-600 words或更多的(如果沒有這個字數,是極難完全滿足以上4個角度的「衝頂要求」。


具有對Complex Structure有準確、多變的「複合句」(甚至長難句)的運用能力,是Level 5**文章的根基。如果你想先鞏固寫「Complex Structure」(甚至長難句)的基礎,在上7+3高階語法AE版前,可從【按此:7+3視覺英語E版開始,這英文課程,用40小時以「畫解」方式架構好你的syntax(語構)思維。因為運用Syntax才是「關連」Use of Grammar 的秘袂: Syntax思維能力一旦打好,無論Reading還是Writing,在處理複合句、甚至長難句時,會感到相當得心應手。


7+3視覺英語Tomato Yip